For Heaven

A person who climbs up to the top of the mountain to shed tears -weeps for the sake of heaven- is a more serious person than one who prays for the peace of the world. In this sense Jesus’ three consecutive prayers at Gethsemane were most serious ones, more so than any other prayers. If there is such a person, then heaven cannot but embrace him and have deep concern for that person. We must know that this type of person is the hope for the entire human race. Heaven moves centering on such a person. Someone who lives for the sake of himself cannot leave a light for others. But a person who lives for the sake of the nation, the sake of the world, and the sake of heaven is able to enter into the sphere of resurrection. The only thing that remains to the end is heaven. Those who live for the sake of heaven are able to last to the end.

The Path to Gain a Victory after Being Beaten First
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
September 27, 1970


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