Prayer Must Be Serious

The power of prayer works wonders, but prayer must be serious and done with one united heart, not a divided heart. When the moment of marriage comes, it is a most serious moment in life for both men and women. In that moment you become dead serious, but prayer is even more serious than that. If you pray with that attitude then it will be answered. If your parents are on their deathbed it is a serious moment and the words you speak then are urgent. There is no way you could doze at that time. Your prayer to God is more serious than that.


Prayer is like a covenant between you and God, a promise. Once you make a contract, you follow through and, then it will undoubtedly be fulfilled. That is the attitude I am talking about.


You must not be disappointed when prayer is not answered, immediately. Some answers come late. At other times you should not be overjoyed when prayer is answered, quickly. Because you are surrounded by the world, there are many stages to go through horizontally and vertically. The answer to prayer does not come from you, but down from heaven and it takes time to reach you. There have been many foolish people who prayed wanting to receive the answers up to a point but who didn’t go the final inch, and when they weren’t satisfied they betrayed God. When you pray for the world you may not see things changing immediately around you. So you may think that the prayer is meaningless. But far away the communist world starts to crumble. The impact of prayer can be felt in a far-away place. If you are in the Abel position, the answer comes from Cain and it takes time to reach you.


Depending on the type of prayer you pray today, some prayers may be fulfilled one thousand years from now. I pray such prayers. I am not praying just for this world today; I am praying for 1,000 and 2,000 years from now. If that prayer makes a bridge between that time and now, then the Unification Church will continue to flourish even a long time after I am gone from the earth. That kind of prayer is needed. If many of you pray that kind of eternal prayer, the world will start to shake and the impact will be far-reaching. The root of that prayer is your tears, sweat and blood, and out of it beautiful flowers will blossom. When Jesus prayed in Gethsemane he was deadly serious, shedding tears, sweat and blood. Deep prayer is not a short prayer of one hour but ten hours, and all day long with seriousness in your heart. Such prayer will move God and history.


What prayer position do you prefer? The best is to kneel and lower your head. You have to restrict your body’s freedom, as though it were bound. You will feel pain, but overcome it because you must be serious. Then, God will know your attitude – you are serious. That is a necessity for prayer. Without prayer Jesus and the saints could not have done the great things that influenced the world. The power and impact of prayer guided and made history. When you resort to the power of prayer, you can have hope because you never know when the fulfillment will come. However, so many times and occasions you forget about prayer.


My prayer is centered on the culmination of the third seven-year course. You may think I relax when I am alone, but there is no moment of relaxation because my mind is always concentrated on the completion of the third seven-year course. You must understand the importance of prayer and have conviction that prayer will be answered. Through prayer you can receive power. Through prayer you can receive visions into the future and guide yourself accordingly. You will know what kind of difficulty is coming and how to divert it and overcome it and prosper. If you know how to steer yourself then you can do big things, and prayer alone can pioneer such a path.


I go out to nature – woods, oceans, waters, and grassy fields – because it gives me a better environment for prayer, and I love nature for that reason. I love to pray through the quiet of midnight, because it is the best time for meditating. I don’t say much about the visions I receive, but if you receive them then don’t you think I do too? That kind of new world can only be reached through prayer. In that position you can taste love. This world is desert-like, you cannot feel the warmth of love. But the world created through prayer has a climate where love can thrive. You must learn and study how to generate your own power. You must make yourself self-propelling. In order to do that, prayer must be the diet of your life.


Whether, people recognize your efforts or not, you must do your duty enthusiastically. Do it because you have a covenant with God. Day and night you move on; there is no pause. That is a living testimony. Every several years my topic of prayer changes, which shows progress to a new era. In a prayerful mind I know precisely what time it is in God’s timetable. That kind of preparation is necessary for self-perfection, and you must learn it through the power of prayer. Do you pray in the way I taught you today? If you do so, please raise your hands. You must pray for His kingdom and His righteousness.



The Importance of Prayer

Reverend Sun Myung Moon

April 15, 1979


Thank You, Father, for giving me this dream!

Heavenly Father can bless with dreams…

Prayers for Everybody

Thank you Father, for giving me this dream!

Your True Son visited me and we were travelling as good companions,

We were laughing and sharing,

Your True Son made me feel worthy,

Your True Son let me forget my heavy heart.

For a while, Father, I could be my true self, again,

Abundant and someone who can fly away,

I was, who I meant to be,

I could be, whom You meant me to be.

Your True Son helped me to smile, again,

Your True Son was my brother on the way,

I was blessed with this dream,

Days have been long forgotten, the days like this.

And when I confessed my sin,

Your True Son didn’t turn away,

Your True Son sent me medicine to heal,

because You care about me, despite my ill.

Thank You, Father, for giving me this dream!

Thank You, Father, to let me feel…

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The best is yet to come

An open letter to God…

Prayers for Everybody

Dear Father,

This is again a letter to You, although, You can read my heart easily, I also would like to express my desire to re-connect, to be one again with You.

I’m sure, You remember, there were times, when we, You and I spent meaningful and valuable hours together. I wish to say there were days but it wouldn’t be true. I was never able to give You shelter in my heart even for 24 hours. I just so easily can sink back to my routines, my vain old self – though I always feel I could finally shake that off for good, for ever…

I’m longing for the times to be together with You, Father, not just what we had, but what is yet to come. I’m sure, the best is yet to come…

I might not have as many years here on Earth as much once…

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My daylight is ending soon

Sometimes it’s half of a life to recognize where the straightest path is…

Prayers for Everybody

It has been a nice life

Could have been better

Closer to You, God

Not just in concepts

And beautiful ideas

But all the times

When I was tried

Put into misery

I should have been more aware

How to manifest Your love

Because You never complain

Neither You are unrigtheous

Only fight with a reason

What correlates with Your Creation

Vanity is not in Your vocabulary, Father

Nor the selfish desires

Though You are the master of

Ceaseless giving and

Love in action with

Firm desires,

Strong dedication,

For the Day to become one

You and I,

You and all of us,

Once and for all,


My daylight is ending,

Chances are getting a few,

And I’m losing my energy

As I fight the days through.

I think, I need to accept,


I might not be Your champion,

Or at least not the ultimate,

The best son,

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I’ve been lost, Father!

God has always been there for each and every one of us…

Prayers for Everybody

I’ve been lost, Father,

You were who found me

When I would roam around

Carelessly, as I child

You found me again, Father,

When I was wandering

In the deserts of vanity

Forgetting my responsibility

And You found me again and again, Father,

When I couldn’t bear more

As I was tried to grow faster

To become Your true child

I’ve been lost, Father,

It was me, who lost myself

But You were ceaselessly there

Waiting for me to be like you.

I don’t want to be lost again, Father,

I just wish to stay with You

I hope one day You’ll find a place

In my heart and You’ll stay

For ever

Joshua Dragon

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Prayer for the daughter who confessed she wasn’t praying enough

A pure heart can show the true essence of life…

Prayers for Everybody

Dear Heavenly Father,

I’m praying for the daughter who has just confessed

and shared her heart

as she felt she wasn’t praying enough.

As she said, she skipped a few times to greet You arriving home

and she remembered she used to pray more before eating.

This was her second confession when she opened up in tears

just after the evening, just after closing the day.

Father, her heart is so pure,

You know it well, this is her 10th spring on Earth,

and she is deeply suffering about doing it wrong,

not to talk to You all the time.

Father, please, help this young soul to feel,

You are more about deeds than mandatory dogmas,

You are more about attendance and right examples

than any words could say!

I told to this daughter, daughter of Yours,

You are a parent

who lives by examples

and care beyond what…

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My old self couldn’t find You, Father!

A prayer at times when it’s hard to speak…

Prayers for Everybody

My old self couldn’t find You, Father!

If there is anyone who knows it

it must be You.

You called me as Your child, Father,

by now I know I would misbehave

despite all the signs and hints.

Would You forgive me, Father,

if I told You a promise

once more, again?

I’m not sure if I could endure, Father,

to see a beloved one to go astray,

I feel I wouldn’t be able to bear the pain.

I can’t imagine just wonder, Father,

how You were able to survive

to see me fail.

I’ve been praying with a closed mouth, Father,

because I feel the weight,

Now I’m trying more than ever

to bring You joy beyond the grief!

Joshua Dragon

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Every heart is waiting

True connections what we are all longing for…

Prayers for Everybody

Every heart is waiting

to be loved again

Every tear-drop is waiting

to be dried again

Every smile is waiting

to be seen again

Every laugh is waiting

to be heard again

Every lost one is waiting

to be found again

Everybody who suffers is waiting

to be saved again

What about You, Father?

Are you waiting to be loved again?

Are you waiting to see our smiles again?

Are you waiting to hear our laughs again?

I know, you are waiting your tears to be dried

and to feel free inside with an easy heart – at last.

Joshua Dragon

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My Broken Heart is Nothing Compared to Yours, Father!

A prayer when words are too heavy to speak…

Prayers for Everybody

My broken heart is nothing compared to your, Father!

Walking halfway in the Sunset Avenue of this life

Where happiness seems to be barren just like the barks of the trees

Where the light is present but can not warm that much any more

As memories are fading and the void is getting stronger

As the mind of brilliance is becoming more normal

As all the deeds are recategorized by self-doubts

And I feel the era of joy and abundant love

Will never greet me again

And the anger is growing and visible

Towards those who are acting against Your love

People, just like me


The pain is excruciating

But the numbness is death

I can feel my own pitiness

I wonder how You can still trust me

I wonder how you can still bear the pain of agony.

Your hope in us

Your hope in me

Must be…

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Prayer for the ones behind walls

God as a parent never judges and always forgives…

Prayers for Everybody

Dear Father,

You never judge anyone and you have never judged me.

Only the immature judges as the unloved hates.

There are so many behind walls these days.

Even the holy places are locked down for most of the times.

These fortresses are not structures of the heart.

I know, it has always been like this, but I’ve thought and in a way expected we would all get rid of the misunderstandings, rage and enmity by now.

People in need and lack of real opportunities, to whom nobody taught a different practical standard other than their own, they are all forced to leave anything they can love behind. Sometimes for all in their lives.

What is the purpose of this, Father?

It is not just the story of Jean Valjean, when goodness can overcome fear!

I’ve opened my heart and door to anyone who comes and ask.

We are…

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