The Root of Goodness, the Root of Love and the Root of Life

If you come to realize why Jesus, who came to be harvested as the fruitful entity of goodness, wishes to come again and demands a practical faith of human beings on this earth, you then have to move forward. You must fight with the resolution to advance through this path to the end, even in the face of any ordeals, sufferings and courses of struggle. Furthermore, you must not lead a life where you are self-centred and looking after your own interests.

Because each human being has lived a life that does good only for him or herself, and has carried out social activities in the same way, God feels sad. We of today should not live like that.

Although you may live somewhat self-centred for a day-to-day short life span, in the duration of your lifetime, you must set up a certain standard that you will consider as your centre. In other words, if there is a man who has everything working out well, centred on himself, throughout his day-to-day life, he cannot live with confidence like that for the duration of a lifetime or else he cannot be offered to God as a harvest of goodness. Therefore, unless you wait eagerly for that one day when you can make a father-son relationship with Jesus throughout your lifetime and build a foundation such that you can bear trials to seek that one centre, and endure any kind of hardship, you cannot reap the harvest of goodness for which you have hoped and for which Jesus Christ has wished on this Earth.

You cannot establish the standard of goodness only by your life course. Although it seems that there are words of goodness and men of goodness in this world, the person who can be the fountain-head and father of goodness has not yet appeared. Human beings are all speaking of love, goodness and life, but they all speak of their own lifetime. Until one substantial entity that can be the root of goodness, the root of love, and the root of life comes into our depths by connecting with our minds, our bodies, and our whole lifetimes, we cannot become the substantial entity of goodness. We must reach the standard of being able to connect with that entity.

We should be aware that Jesus was the man who came as the Father of all things in the Universe. In other words, he was the Father of myriads of people and he became the root of all life in this world. Therefore, Jesus became the root of goodness to the human beings who could not find the root of true life on this Earth. What is more, Jesus came to introduce the standard that can be the root of goodness to realize God’s Will in the human world. He is the root where the providential history that God has idealized is being unfolded in an obscure way

Since Jesus had a spirit and a body, he must have had internal and spiritual things, along with external and physical matters. Therefore, he must have had internal life and external life. Jesus established the central coordinates of life through living a life where the internal and the external are combined. He kept going to accomplish the standard that he wished, walking the course of the substantial entity for the sake of the Will on this Earth.

Although Jesus led a life suitable for him to fulfil such a mission, he did not attain the goal completely. That is why he had to wait 2,000 years to come back again. If the goal had been completely attained, then the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God would have come to live with us.

What do you think we have to inherit today from God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? Human beings on this Earth must inherit the ideal of substantial goodness that Jesus wished and upheld. They must then set up the concept of goodness, the religion of goodness, and the standard of goodness which can connect their minds and bodies and connect to God’s Shim Jung (heart). If you possess the root of Jesus’ good ideology, it will still put forth new shoots, no matter how many times it is cut off.

We men of faith must understand what the root of such goodness is, what the root of God’s Love is, and what is the root of God’s Life and His Will. The lives of human beings, who lost such a root cannot transcend the aspects of time and space. However, if today, from the position where we are restricted by time and space, we come to find the root of goodness that can live in the eternal relationship with goodness, we then can rise above the world of time and space.


Let Us Be the Harvest of Goodness Heaven Desires
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
March 3, 1957

Jesus Who Is To Realize God’s Desire

What kind of man was Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ came as the substantial entity of goodness who could undo the bitter resentment of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, it was his mission to come to this earth as the substantial entity of idealistic goodness who could be spoken of with pride before God. He was to represent Heaven and represent the earth. He was the one for whom God waited eagerly. He was to be offered to God as the harvest of original goodness throughout his life. Because Jesus, who came with such a mission, came to bear the cross at Golgotha owing to human distrust, the man who should be the harvest of goodness became the sacrificial offering.

Therefore, Jesus carries a bitter Shim Jung (heart) originating from not having attained this. He has been praying a long time for the sake of realizing God’s original Will on this Earth. We must understand that, to accomplish this will, he will surely come again.

Similarly, Jesus came for the sake of saving all humankind to be the object of goodness of God. That is why he had the mission to subjugate Satan and make him cease to exist. At the same time, he came to realize God’s Ideal in God’s place. Jesus had to go the life course with which God could be pleased. Therefore, Jesus could not help but materialize such a will, not by dying, but during his lifetime. If Jesus had completed such matters while he was living, we of today would not have to wait for him to return. The goal, in other words, the harvest of goodness that God had idealized and wished for could already have been offered through the life course exemplified by Jesus. If that had happened, it would not have been necessary for Christians to toil, to supplicate and to lead prayerful lives awaiting Jesus’ return for 2,000 years.

Following in Jesus’ footsteps to fulfil the providential mission, we must accomplish today all of the goals Jesus set and fulfil the purpose for his being born. Unless we now fulfil God’s Will, even by sacrificing ourselves for Him, God cannot reap us as the fruitful entities of goodness.

God did not create human beings to live only in the spiritual world. He created them to live, building harmony between the spirit and the flesh by acquiring the substantiated body. That is, God created so that the spirit of human beings could govern all things by connecting with God, who exists as a spirit. The spirit and flesh can harmonize with each other by the spiritual body connecting to the physical body. This is the rule of creation. Therefore, you must understand that Jesus, who came to this earth as the fruitful entity of goodness after a 4,000-year history, should not have been the king of all kings only after he died, on the spiritual plane.

Jesus was anxious to clearly teach his beloved disciples the secrets of Heavenly principle without restraint. But there was no proper person who could comprehend Jesus’ Shim Jung (heart) and then uphold the Will. You must understand the indescribably tormenting circumstances pressing down upon the bosom of Jesus, who stepped forward wishing a time of triumph would come.

Jesus came for the sake of human beings and wanted to share joys and sorrows with them; however, he was unable to let them comprehend his circumstances. Therefore, God earnestly wished that Jesus become able to commune with human beings on earth. That is why God has come forth unfolding the dispensation of 2,000 long years in order for the person to emerge who can comprehend Jesus’ internal and external Shim Jung (heart).

After the lapse of the 4,000-year history after the fall of Adam, Jesus came as a substantial entity of cosmic goodness on this Earth to attain God’s hope for the first time. He paid dearly and sacrificed himself to serve God. Jesus is the man who remains to us the symbol of tribulation, suffering and toil.

It is not right if we spiritually seek only for all the fruit of goodness that Jesus left. That goes against Jesus’ saying, “Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven,” (Matt. 16:19, 18:18).

If we have bitter resentment, it is not limited to our individual selves. In it, there is the acute, bitter resentment of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, there is the penetrating grief of the prophets and sages. While coming through the history of 6,000 years, God has waited eagerly for the day when human beings will awaken to the reality of their situation and become able to be offered as a sacrifice of goodness. The time when such an ideal comes to be realized is the time of the Second Coming. That time is now.


Let Us Be the Harvest of Goodness Heaven Desires
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
March 3, 1957

The eternal standard of good and evil is defined by God

The eternal standard of good and evil is defined by God. The sharp definition of good and evil existed at the time of His creation, long before evil ever came into being in the Garden of Eden. God’s view of good and evil will never change. God is eternal, His law is eternal, and His definition is eternal and unchanging despite the passage of time.

It is common to look upon human self-centeredness as the basis of evil. Let us examine this perception. All of our human traits originate in God. We recognize that there is some human tendency for selfishness. This is natural because at one time God Himself was self-centred. This fact may surprise you, but you must understand that before God created human beings and the universe, He was all alone, with no one to care for except Himself. However, the very instant that God initiated creation, His full concept of life emerged. God now lives for His counterpart – not for Himself.


Jesus’ Standard of Goodness
Reverend Sun Myung Moon

The Parenthood of God

What universal attributes can be found in the created world? For one thing, all entities have the attributes of male and female or, in the mineral realm, of positive and negative We see men and women, male and female animals, staminate and pistillate plant life exemplifying this pair system. The world is made in such a way that everything exists and multiplies through the reciprocal relationship between male and female, positive and negative. What does this tell us about God? It tells us that God, who is the cause, embodies not only the essence of masculine nature in His divine personality, but the essence of feminine nature as well.

There is a second duality which all created entities share: everything has an internal character as well as an external form. We see that on every level of existence, consciousness, reason and law shape the behavior of energy. In particular, human beings have a body that consists of cells, and a unique human mind, which enables us to think and feel in a distinctly human way.

Since everything God created has an internal character and external form, He Himself must have internal and external aspects. The external aspect of God is prime energy, which is the cause of all
physical energy in the universe and thus is the cause of all matter. God has used prime energy to create, develop and sustain the cosmos. The design and purpose inherent in the creation manifest the internal aspect of God.

To understand the internal aspect of God, we must look at ourselves, since we, as God’s children, resemble Him the most. The main attributes of the human character are emotion, intellect and will. We value the beauty of nature; we are delighted at the arrival of a newborn baby; we like to express our own creativity. We aspire to become knowledgeable and wise. Our conscience urges us to do good and reject evil; all parents want their children to be better than themselves. We have the capacity for selfless love and the impulse to pursue truth and goodness.

From where could these common qualities and aspirations have come if not from our Creator? God is the source of the values we all cherish: love, truth, beauty and goodness. Thus, God’s power is always guided by reason and lawfulness, above all by love. Heart is the essence of God’s being. Heart is the impulse to love, and it seeks an object to love. God feels joy when He can give and receive love with His beloved. God loves each one of us individually, and rejoices when we return His love and multiply it by loving others.

(from the book: Healing of the World – An Introduction to the life and teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon)

Pursuing the noble ideal of God

As I Can See

When you pursue the noble ideal of God, all of a sudden you will encounter incredible danger, not only to yourself, but also to your family and your children; you will be confronted by many difficulties. Are you going to turn around, think twice, and go in a different direction, or will you pursue your original commitment? What you would do under such circumstances is the most crucial question any man or woman can face.

For God and the spirit world there is no death, so God’s way is to overcome difficulty and move forward. There is no possibility that God will wiggle out of difficulty, or change His mind and retreat. God is looking for a similar character in men and women. Even though God never dies, He is always ready to give every ounce of His energy to the last minute. He can endure even the difficulty and…

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Righteousness and Unrighteousness

As I Can See

Righteousness refers to that quality in a person which leads him to pursue goodness and further its purpose. Unrighteousness refers to that quality in a person which leads him to pursue evil and further its satanic purpose. A righteous life is absolutely necessary for the attainment of goodness.

(from the book: Exposition of the Divine Principle)

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As I Can See

He also told a parable to them, ‘Can one blind man guide another? Surely both will fall into a pit? The disciple is not superior to his teacher; the fully trained disciple will always be like his teacher. Why do you observe the splinter in your borther’s eye and never notice the plank in your own? How can you say to your brother, “Brother, let me take out the splinter that is in your eye”, when you cannot see the plank in your own? Hypocrite! Take the plank out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly enough to take out the splinter that is in your brother’s eye.

There is no sound tree that produces rotten fruit, nor again a rottern tree that produces sound fruit. For every tree can be told by its own fruit: people do not pick figs from thorns, nor gather grapes…

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God is Taking Responsibility

As I Can See

With God, when you beg for forgiveness, His heart will be open, and He will feel like forgiving you. When God is taking the responsibility to Himself if you come to Him begging for forgiveness, will He not accept it? When you leave everything to God He will feel like forgiving you; furthermore, if you beg Him to forgive and bless you, He will feel like giving every blessing to you after forgiving you. If you ask God to defend you against the attack coming from your enemy, well, God will do that in order to help you in your difficult situation. You being in the fallen world, if God is there-the God of sympathy, the God of forgiveness-then how grateful you must be. However ugly we are as sinners, and however rebellious we have been towards God, if and when we know that there is the God of responsibility…

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