Had my tomb was laid in the ground today

Had my tomb was laid in the ground today
What words would be engraved under the name
For long I’d thought teacher, parent and owner
From the kind of true, meek, noble and honest
Seeing my wrongs, failures and flaws
I doubt it could ever be so
Who am I to think I can change
the world when I am in vain
Every so often I lose
Can’t seem to stay on the trail
Though the angels and good saints
Keep coming back for me
How long would I persevere
Chasing the only true dream
Shaken, with a shivering soul
Am I worthy to carry it on

Looking through the window
Seeing my reflection
I’m just wondering whether
it will bring tomorrow

Had my tomb was laid in the ground today
What words would be engraved under the name


Joshua Dragon

SMM Quotes – 210

“When trees grow thickly on a hillock, differentiating between a pine tree and a spindle tree is difficult. However, when autumn and winter comes, the different trees become easily recognizable. Winter arouses hopes; it symbolizes meeting a new destiny or connection. In the same way, no matter how difficult an environment may be or whether one is stabbed in the world of death, if a person loves humanity without wavering, that person can represent Heaven.” – Reverend Sun Myung Moon

Don’t say

Don’t say you cannot see the light of your love
Don’t say

Don’t say you cannot feel the love of your life
Don’t say

Don’t say you cannot climb a mountain because it’s high
Don’t say

Don’t say you cannot grow in your heart
Don’t say


Don’t say you have lost all your power
Don’t say

Don’t say you have always been cornered
Don’t say

Don’t say you have nobody else
Don’t say

Don’t say you have only anguish
Don’t say


Don’t say you are still hesitating
Don’t say

Don’t say you are just waiting
Don’t say

Don’t say you are not worthy
Don’t say

Don’t say you are not ready
Don’t say


You are meant to be the child of God.



-Joshua Dragon-

God Provides

So often we feel


cheated and abandoned

lonely as the Moon

who travels alone

and we have anger

blaming, discourage

feeling the darkside

of every bit of the sunshine.


Yet, God provides

light, air and water

ground to stand on

wind to change

rain to cleanse

people to guide

hardships to measure your growth

joy to feel contentment

dreams to have something to hope

God provides, God provides.



-Joshua Dragon-

Wisdom of Old Age

The wisdom of old age is the fruit of a lifetime of living a moral life and practicing the discipline of a religious path. However, the effort which it takes to realize the fulness of spiritual wisdom should be undertaken from one’s youth. Strength and adaptability are required, and once old age has drawn nigh, it becomes too difficult to practice and too late to change. Old age is a time to manifest either the wisdom gained as the fruits of that effort or the decrepitude of a wasted life.

(from the book: World’s Scripture II)

Learning and Practise

When a truth is learned, it must be practiced. Indeed, knowledge that is not put into practice is not truly learned; it soon fades away like a mirage. The person who claims to be wise and devout, but who never acts on his wisdom, is engaging in Hypocrisy. Conversely, action without learning is also foolish. In the East, people are taught the virtue of being reserved and taciturn in order that they might not display knowledge that they not yet mastered in practice. It is far better first to act on an idea in private and see to its result than to announce it to others while it is yet untested and unmastered. This reserve is especially apt in the case of religious and moral teaching, whose practice is not easy. Only a teacher who has first mastered and embodied his teaching is worthy of respect.

(from the book: World’s Scriptures II)

The Man

As I Can See

The man was a young boy once, and immersed himself in all what others. He played Star Wars with school-desks made Millenium Falcon, where he always wanted rather to be Luke than Chewbacca or at least Han. He used to push bugs and looked at them, bought flowers because it was told to be the way for asking a classmate out at the age of six. Sometimes he roamed around protected whom he thought had to be.
Also, he was wandering in the endless walls of a burdened world. He started to see the cracking in his nightmares which he thought to be normal dreams, which only turned out to be different with others.
He used to be scared and frightened by nukes and early, unrighteous endings of the world he only knew from books, music and later rare TV and movies. For him the muppets were as close as…

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