10 Ways to Love

It is still very true, every day…

As I Can See

1.      Listen without interrupting. (Proverbs 18)
2.      Speak without accusing. (James 1:19)
3.      Give without sparing. (Proverbs 21:26)
4.      Pray without ceasing. (Golossians 1:9)
5.      Answer without arguing. (Proverbs 17:1)
6.      Share without pretending. (Ephesians 4:15)
7.      Enjoy without complaint. (Philippians 2:14)
8.      Trust without wavering. (Corinthians 13:7)
9.      Forgive without punishing. (Golossians 3:13)
10.    Promise without forgetting. (Proverbs 13:12)

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The beginning and the end of the truth must be the same…

“The beginning and the end of the truth must be the same. Today, we do not need religion. A person who can connect his heart directly to Heaven and Earth would be enough for that purpose. Peace comes from the heart too. When my mind expresses happiness, the vast expanse of the universe becomes my bosom friend and runs wild within the world of my mind.” – Reverend Sun Myung Moon

SMM Quotes – 244

“Unless words and action are one, they result in evil. If we harmonize on all sides we are balanced. If we don’t harmonize, we lose our spiritual balance and it is almost impossible for us to right ourselves. The same is true of our faith – if we lean to one side we lose harmony and harmony cannot easily be recovered, even with hundreds of thousands of times the effort. So to keep from turning aside from our path, you must be right and true in your words and actions – behavior and feelings to draw the boundary between gain and loss in your religious life. Even one hundredth of second will make or break your fate.” – Reverend Sun Myung Moon

You are a gift to this world

Though the world around is doing its best to keep all of us down, to cage us in the treadmill of our daily routines, to numb us just enough not to see how large portion of our efforts are only in the pursuit of vanities there is one thing what can never be taken away, what can never be denied:

You are a gift to this world.

There is a chance you might not have realized it or you’ve forgotten it, maybe you are among us, who’s started to doubt in it. Don’t.

You are so unique that you are the only one to have that particular universal truth in the world that is not known and can not be shown by any others. Just you can manifest that kind of greatness based on your true potential, just you can give that goodness to the world what God gave you as His Blessing at your birth.

Live up to your true potential, don’t shy away from the growing, being more mature and completed: that is the only way to leave this broken history for a better one.

Written by you, as one of the torchbearers.

Heavenly Parent loves you compassionately because He can see you all the magic, mystery and benevolence you are capable of to show His Blessing.

You are a gift to this world.



Joshua Dragon

What does it mean to be a pastor?

It’s been 6 years by now since this blog started. With around 1200 posts, ups and downs, tremendous changes in life, there is this question to raise: what does it mean to be a pastor?

Actually, this should also include what it takes to be a pastor.


What is a pastor, anyway?


First, there are the easy answers: caretaker, soulfinder, listener, advisor, friend.

The one who is always there for you even if you don’t show up and never call back – just when you are in need to feel better in your self-made personal hell.


Was Jesus a pastor? Of course, He wasn’t.

Yet He was, indeed.


There is this unceasing need deep down in all of us to get better, to feel happy and be less miserable – to get at least a little grasp of joy when it seems dark.

Overachievers obviously want to save the world, to shape it to Heaven or at least start the process on their own way and understanding.

Now, I’m an overachiever here, it seems.


There are the other answers for being a pastor, the ones making me uneasy almost all the time: immaculate, clear, spotless, a growing child of God, our Heavenly Parent. Somebody who always smiles, wise and stays in a tranquil place.

It took me a longer while to admit it to myself: I’m not always immaculate nor clear, I have stains and although I really long for helping God, mostly I’m challenged and can be shattered easier than it would be convenient.

How selfish, I know…


Though I’m dedicated and persevering, these that’s for sure I’ve inherited and learned the hard way from my Father, Reverend Moon. Yes, He is my spiritual Father, feels closer than my real one ever. Actually, He had me have brighter understanding of my trapped biological parents.

I’ve always felt Jesus, Yeshua is my brother, the real one.

The same goes to my children as they frequently can meet and talk to Him.


Honesty is also a part of being a pastor, the bare truth to be told and shown with nothing to hide or hold back.

Actually, I’m always saying the truth, I’m unable to lie or hold back. Tricky thing with when it comes to gifts and surprises.



That’s a treat once I thought worth to give up and will lead to personal salvation and liberation, so that would affect to whole world, or at least a larger part of it, faster and greater, more efficient.

How wrong I was…!


God had me live a various life to gain a large skilset, now I know in order to utilize those skills for helping the world, helping Him better.

And that’s not a one way street, more comes always back when the giving is absolute, unconditional.



Putting myself low in order to have others feel better and greater is never the way – though I used to have this practice.

However, each and every one of us has a unique, unprecedent value, a special truth in ourselves that nobody else has ever had nor ever will have. We are all one of a kind representatives of the very same Heavenly Parent.

We are all the same in our differences and together we make a whole.


There are several ways of guiding others, being a mediator in between God and the ones who do not even know they are lost. Sacrifice, is a major thing in it.

Although none of us will ever have to bear what Jesus had to, yet, emotionally we are going through our Golgothas all the time, we are on the cross voluntarily. This is the way to experience the suffering and aching heart of our Heavenly Parent. And it is not about us – we can say no anytime.


We are free.

But with free will comes responsibility.

The greater the knowledge, the greater the stake.

Everybody is responsible according to his/her understanding.

And I like knowing more and more…


Ultimately, everything comes to this: loving the world -and here it means actions without expecting anything in return- must be more important than loving our own children and family, ourselves. Of course, there must be a balance in a way, but the focus should be on those, who are further from the ideal.

That’s something we have been taught by Jesus and God a lot…


I’m sure I need to find a right balance in between self-care and living for the sake of others, too. At least sometimes treat of refreshing sleep and more regular meals are ways to do even more.

I am not omnipotent, and I tend to forget it.

So, this one is also true: being a pastor means paving a way in finding internal-external balance, too.


Prayers must be actions and anything can be a prayer in this aspect.


Let’s pray-act together!






Joshua Dragon



I’ll be the master of love

I’ll be the master of love

When I turn this shit into fertilizer

As I own it

What I have never asked for

And re-create

Our life from its ruins


I’ve never blamed you

Though it’s not mutual

As nothing seems ever was

But it’s only the pain talking


Now I’m free

Because I choose to be

And I choose to be grateful

For no reason

Now I’m free



Joshua Dragon

I know that you never loved me

I know that you never loved me

You never knew how to love


How could you give

What never been yours


Just and unconcious mind

And a sometimes shining heart

That’s what we were

To each other


We took more than we gave

Because we needed to


Since we never knew how to live

Just to be images

Of a shattered vision


Surrogates to our true selves

Which we were hiding

That’s what we were

Expected images

Of the life around


I know that you never loved me

You never knew how to love


I’m just praying these days

For you to recognize



Joshua Dragon

21 Teachings on Happiness ​

  1. We all desire to be happy but we are constantly failing to recognize we are immature to achieve it.
  2. Longing for happiness is like starving. However, as easy it is to have poor food choices as easy it is to burn our soul.
  3. Nobody deserves to be unhappy but this is what we all know since we were born into this. The One who came to teach was killed because we were unable to think of actually leaving our comfort zone.
  4. How many times have we crucified the Messiah out of ignorance? Those who say they have never done it don’t know what they are talking about.
  5. Preaching about happiness is teaching about something that no one has ever had the chance to fully understand. Even God cannot be completely happy up until one person remains in the realm of ignorance and pain.
  6. There is no such a thing as individual joy. God would have no idea what you are talking about if you asked him about it.
  7. There is the question of sin. But our Heavenly Parent has never understood the differences out of the original realm of heart. For Him, everything else is relative and temporary – no matter how we see this.
  8. Living on Earth and trying to succeed only here is like watching a cooking show. You’ll never get the taste of the real food and you’ll never have the chance to discover your own unique ways to co-create if you just accept what others do for themselves in their lives.
  9. People always want to be happy but they don’t know they can’t. Unless they start to think to be happy together with others, based on the patterns God created in the Nature, they will always end up wanting to be happy but never truly be.
  10. True joy and happiness is not mesmerizing, it is not like a drug, it is nothing like a purple mist: it’s our natural state of being we have never experienced.
  11. To be happy you need to experience who you really are meant to be and what it actually means in the everyday life: you are meant to be the child of God.
  12. To be happy you need to grow.
  13. Happiness is an active emotion. It requires ceaseless efforts to live for the sake of others for a greater purpose.
  14. If you can not be happy, God can not be happy either.
  15. God’s only joy during the Creation was to think of you being happy once and living together in evolving harmony.
  16. You can’t give happiness and you can’t make others happy either. You can create an action to what others can respond so a constant flow of give and take actions will generate energy for existence and growing – that what we can call happiness and joy in its true sense.
  17. If you want to be happy for your own sake, you’ll never be able to do it.
  18. Thinking of others, how to help them, how to support them even beyond your everyday reach is the starting point of true happiness.
  19. Happiness is a result of actions. It starts with care, compassion, humbleness and dedication.
  20. On the road towards absolute happiness there is no ‘me’.
  21. Since God, our Heavenly Parent has created everything out of love, you will be happy for eternity. It’s up to you and your thoughts and actions when this will start.

by Joshua Dragon

The best is yet to come

An open letter to God…

Prayers for Everybody

Dear Father,

This is again a letter to You, although, You can read my heart easily, I also would like to express my desire to re-connect, to be one again with You.

I’m sure, You remember, there were times, when we, You and I spent meaningful and valuable hours together. I wish to say there were days but it wouldn’t be true. I was never able to give You shelter in my heart even for 24 hours. I just so easily can sink back to my routines, my vain old self – though I always feel I could finally shake that off for good, for ever…

I’m longing for the times to be together with You, Father, not just what we had, but what is yet to come. I’m sure, the best is yet to come…

I might not have as many years here on Earth as much once…

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