How can we say that God exists?

How can we answer the question of whether there is really a God? Energy tends to dissipate when it is not used, and activity always slows down when energy decreases. The energy output of any system must always be smaller than the energy input. You don’t spend more than you earn, and the same is true of energy. Then how do we develop and become prosperous? It doesn’t make sense to say that simply because the world exists it is automatically bound to become more prosperous; things cannot happen in random fashion. People cannot logically explain why this should be, and in an attempt to understand the universe they come up with the very convenient explanation, “Nature takes care of it through energy.” But what is nature itself? The energy in nature cannot be produced unless there is some interaction of two entities. When you just stand still there is no energy being produced or used, but as soon as you have an object or partner with whom to interact you can move anywhere. Even though you have energy, unless you interact with others that energy doesn’t serve any purpose.

If interaction is to take place, two entities are necessary, subject and object, and before we talk about energy we must confirm‎ their existence. Where do subject and object come from? To answer this we may ask: When do you know you have love? When you are standing all by yourself can you say you have love? Love manifests when you have an object or a subject, a partner. When you exercise your energy through the power of give and take, you can recognize the existence and action of love. To get energy we need action, and to have action we need a subject and object. Thus, we cannot say that energy itself is the beginning or the source, because in order to get energy the interaction of subject and object is necessary. It is through the process of subject and object having give and take that you have energy to sustain your existence.

Is it true that everything in the universe resembles a circle? Matter in its smallest form exists in circular motion, as do the enormous heavenly bodies. Energy is derived through interaction which creates circular motion because that is the only motion which results in unending give and take. The various parts of our bodies are rounded. There appear to be many sharp points and angular parts of a tree, but if you look closely you will see that the overall shape is round, from the leaves to the trunk.

Is there a limit to your growth, or do you just grow unceasingly? Your internal mechanisms are designed in such a way that they grow to a certain point and then stop. If each organism is programmed to stop growing at a certain point, then how can larger or higher-level entities be made from lower life forms? This can only result from there being more and different kinds of interaction, a chain-reaction of give and take, so to speak, which can produce greater and greater productive energy. Through the interaction of a subject taking on object and then together becoming a higher subject which can take another object, energy can increase and become increasingly fruitful. From this point of view the theory of random evolution is certainly nonsense.

Once again we come to the question: How do we know there is a God? God is none other than a gigantic super-plus or super-subject, while you and I are a tiny plus and minus which together form one small minus. What is a minus and what is a plus? The body is minus and the soul or spirit is plus; together they make up one individual, which is a small minus. There are always plus and minus relationships in the life of our body and spirit. For example the body will say, “Spirit, don’t worry about God or spirit world. Just enjoy things while you are here on Earth. You will live a hundred years.” That’s what we call earthly life. On the other hand, plus is saying, “No, Body listen to me. There is a giant super-plus out there and we must unite with Him. That is what makes us free and eternal. Everyone lives through the struggles of the plus and minus as they strive for unity.

Within ourselves is a certain entity which recognizes the existence of the super-plus and which makes a constant effort to join together with it. This is why physical satisfactions cannot bring a person total fulfillment; even when one’s stomach is full, there is still some drive within him to be completely free and satisfied by searching after and finding some higher subject. Human beings all act in this fashion, even when they have abundant pleasure in seeing beautiful things, hearing beautiful sounds or having a full stomach. All of you have everything your bodies need, but you still search after some other kind of satisfaction.

Does that particular desire come from you or from somewhere else? Even though your parents gave you life, your real aspiration is to strive toward that ultimate individual, that ultimate super-plus. Should you always stay with your parents just because they raised you? No, because you were born with a distinct character of your own. As a result, each individual looks at the same goal but from a completely different angle, and therefore, the same topic looks different to each person.

You need an object because no matter how great you are, the most distance you can cover alone is 180 degrees; no man or woman alone can be 360 degrees perfect. The power of love causes two people to interact and allows them to unite. The power of love is the power which makes the two interact. Would you prefer love that is made of straight lines or contours of peaks and valleys? Love should go straight forward so that it can create a 90 degree angle between two people. When this angle is misshapen, the circular interaction between the two elements will not become completely round, but oval instead.

Would you want love to be permanent or temporal? Only permanent love resembles the love of God; permanence, absolute purity and absolute beauty are all elements which correspond to the elements of God. Because such a basic origin of beauty, love, perfection and purity exists in the universe, we feel constantly drawn to that source and have an innate desire to be like Him and instinctively we make efforts to be like Him. Because the object is the mirror of the subject, all objects connected somehow to that subject are trying to pursue the same goal. God, also, cannot exist all by Himself. He needs us, therefore, and has to reach out.

Why do your eyes constantly move and turn from side to side? Why can’t they stay still? Will you answer, “My eyes are moving, because my parents said they should”? Since your parents or ancestors have nothing to do with the operation of your body, who could have ordered your eyes to move? Nature? Did a monkey tell your eyes to move? How do you know whether God ordered it? You haven’t seen Him, but there must be someone, some giant thinker somewhere in the past who decided that the human eye should move. Those who believe in evolution, however, say that the eye and all its processes just developed by chance over the eons.

An even more mysterious occurrence is the presence of moisture around the eye. Something inside your eye always provides a little bit of moisture all day long so that your eyeball doesn’t dry out. If you ask that moisture why it is there maybe it will answer, “Because I found it very comfortable here.” Perhaps some time ago the eye petitioned some force, explaining, “I need a little bit of moisture, and if I don’t get it I’ll go on strike.” In reality, the eyeball doesn’t realize who made it move or who gave it moisture.

Everyone has eyelashes, but wouldn’t the eyes be much neater without them? Sometimes eyelashes are bothersome, especially when one gets stuck in your eye. Why should everyone’s eyes have moisture and eyelashes? They seem to be awkward and unnecessary but someone put them there and there must be some will or purpose for them. Someone wanted to put hair on the human face, but why not on top of the nose? Why do there have to be lashes around the eye rather than on top of the nose? Awhile back some communists were discussing Divine Principle and they were asked why the universe functions as it does and why certain patterns are universal. They replied that it is all due to nature. We know that that answer provides no logical explanation and nature certainly does not function illogically.

We know that moisture, lashes and eye movements are necessary to the eye, and without them it cannot function properlry. Do you think your eye could function all day long without blinking? Even without your thinking about it, you blink your eyes to keep them clean and moist. When you are working hard and perspiring on some hot day, if you didn’t have eyebrows then all the perspiration would end up in your eyes.

Just by analyzing one small eye in this way, you can find tremendous mystery. In some unknown time the eye was designed with the understanding that most animals would need visionary The sun provides light so we can see around us, but without light there is no need to have eyes. Because heat and air evaporate moisture, some super-mind thought about how to prevent the eye from being damaged by dryness. Finally, that mind knew that the air collects dust and that there should be some protection against it for the eye. These functions were all prerequisites to the design of the eye. Did the eye know all of this itself? Do you think this knowledge was there before the creation of the eye, or did it come into existence after the creation of the eye?


Our Destined Relationship
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
November 6, 1977

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