First a man must shed tears for man, and then he must discover the realm of God’s tears

Where can man truly find happiness then? The ultimate happiness comes when he can conquer not only the tears of man but of God as well. We must restore the world to the realm where God no longer needs to shed tears. The history of tears began because of the fall of man. When we conquer the realm of man’s degradation then we can certainly find the realm where God and man no longer need to shed tears. This is precisely the point we are approaching today. It is our destiny as men to go over the two hills of tears. We must cross over these two hills in order to be totally happy. Those who are trying to pursue the road of truth must shed tears over the misery of humanity and taste the suffering of man. A thinking man could only be grieved by the problems of man’ the suffering and dying of men and all the misery that permeates our society.

Many young people think about what the real purpose of life is and they agonize over how and where they should direct their young energy. That is the beginning of the road along which you will conquer tears. Those people who never even think about those things-the meaning and purpose of life and death-do not even belong to the species of man. Thinking people wonder about their own lives and also about the society’ nation and world and they grapple with the problem of bringing a solution to those who are suffering and in misery. Man has to think in that direction.

Grief over the suffering and sorrow of man alone will not bring any lasting solution. Man has to go further, down to the bottom and origin of tears. We have to go beyond human tears and realize the tears of God. Tears that are shed for one’s own sake or the sake of one’s nation, for the human level alone, cannot ultimately contribute to the over-all solution of bringing back the ideal world here on earth. No matter what, all of that is still within the realm of selfishness, being merely the continuation of the tears that were shed by Adam and Eve for themselves.

Everyone must discover the new realm of tears that God has shed and deeply experience the taste of those tears; otherwise we will never solve human problems. This means learning how to shed tears beyond self-centred suffering and misery. First we must discover God and discover God’s tears and become people who shed tears to alleviate the suffering of God.

I want you to know that those people in history known as saints and holy men were people who learned about the tears of God. By centring upon the grief and sorrow of God they have been looking at mankind from God’s point of view and shedding the same kind of tears that God shed. That is a religious way of life and by shedding the same kind of tears that God shed you become a co-worker of God’s. What kind of religion stands as a co-worker on the side of God? The religion that not only teaches man to shed tears for humanity but to shed tears for God will undoubtedly receive God’s blessing and become the central religion of humanity. There is absolutely no question about it.

The chief question is for whom you weep. If a village realizes that a person is crying for the sake of the village then the entire village has to bow down to him. That act is noble because it is not for the person’s sake but for the sake of the village. If there is someone who sheds tears for the sake of the nation then the entire nation is benefited and the citizens should bow down and respect that person.

The son of filial piety is one who shed tears not for himself, but for the sake of his parents. Without exception the loyal subject is the one who sheds tears for his own king and queen. Patriots are those who shed tears for the sake of their own country and countrymen. A saint or holy man is a different kind of person altogether. The patriot is concerned for the nation but a saint directs all his energy and tears for the sake of God and all of humanity. Under that condition alone can we say that a person has lived a saintly life.

Looking at the great saints in history, is there one who truly shed tears in order to bring God and humanity together, even at the moment of his death? Certainly we find one in the person of Jesus Christ. At the moment of his own death on the cross he was worrying about his own adversaries, the Roman soldiers who pierced him with their spears. He shed his tears and sweat for the sake of his own enemies. Because Jesus cried for his worst adversary he was actually crying for the sake of all types of people. By shedding his tears for the sake of his worst enemy Jesus not only won the hearts of all good men, but will also win the respect of the worst kind of sinful man in history.

Jesus considered his own well-being last of all, praying at the end that God accept his soul, for he had done his very best. Jesus directed his whole life toward shouldering all of God’s suffering here on earth and as his life ended on the cross he could say that he had done it. You can see how different were the selfish tears of Adam and Eve and the unselfish tears Jesus shed. Both were falling down to their deaths as they shed tears, Adam and Eve being the victims of their sin, and Jesus being crucified on the cross. As they approached their spiritual death Adam and Eve shed tears for themselves but Jesus shed tears for the sake of humanity and for God and for his own enemies.

The Return to Tears
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
October 16, 1977

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