Hope and the Life of Practice

After Jesus came and left, his twelve disciples walked the same path. They went into Rome and endured the severity of persecution. They were crucified and put to death. They were left for dead. In spite of such, they still did not give up their hope. The joy that they received from having hope was stronger than the fear they felt of death, stronger than any pain they received from tribulation; stronger than any armament. It was stronger than any influence and anything that was boasted of in the world. We have learned that Christianity was established on the grounds which prophets and sages walked, embracing hope more strongly than anything else.

Today we are placed in a situation where we too must entertain a new hope and set up and affect an object on the worldwide level. This being the reality, you will have to understand that the hope you cherish should exert stronger influence than any other power. Even if death comes upon you, even if all this universe is to disappear, hope should be the source of power with which you can overcome. Only if you become such unchanging central figures of hope will you be able to stand in front of Heaven.

There have been many people until now who boasted of themselves as having good faith. However, we have often seen people who boast of themselves fading away. No matter how much one boasts of his good faith, unless he can stand as one central being of hope who has won victory over the last hill of death, we must realize that he will end up being a loser in life.

If we establish the church and build the nation after rendering devoted service for the sake of Heaven, embracing the hope that cannot be bartered for all the things we own and that is even more precious than our life, the task of seeking a new hope through the church and the nation will take place on this hopeless earth. Through them, all of humankind, who were wandering without hope, will find a new hope.

Each of you who stepped forth to seek a new path must keep the hope of which you cannot help boasting in front of all humankind, even in the face of fear and death. With the firm faith that you have such a hope, even if you grapple with some difficulties of the environment, you must become people who can overcome them with dignity and happiness. If you become such people, you will not own worldly joy, but heavenly joy, which is eternal. The restored life in such an atmosphere is not the life that dies after living in this world; it is the life that lives forever. What is more, if there is a person who seeks such a hope, he will be the one who can live forever in God’s love, not in the love humans advocate. If one seeks such a hope, he would have to be considered qualified to stand in front of all humankind without defect. Therefore, today we must have a hope that is not earth-bound or blocked by the hill of death, but one with which we can surmount the hill of death. Unless we are able to have such a hope, the dispensational history of Heaven, who came looking for us after having crossed the hill of death will end in failure.

Heaven stresses that only after we go over the hill of death are eternal hope, eternal happiness, and the eternal ideology given. In fact, Heaven seeks us through the hill of death. Therefore, we must have the hope with which we can surmount death. Without this hope, we cannot travel this path. That is why Paul said, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18) Deeply touched in his heart by the thoroughgoing hope that no one had, Paul had to assume responsibility for the difficult surroundings alone, and he went forth fighting. You must know this.

Without regarding the numerous hills of death, to seek out this hope for human beings, Heaven has come seeking several thousand years. Therefore, today we must become the people who know how to go over the hill of death, embracing heavenly hope. Unless we become such people, we will not have eternal heavenly hope. You must understand this.

Jesus also said, “He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12:25) This parable was not made by worldly people, but by Jesus, who represented Heaven. This seems like a contradictory statement. However, Jesus made this statement because human beings are left with the course of life in which they have to march on, resolving the contradiction of the environment.

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

The Reason Jesus Could Overcome All Trials and Death

Jesus is a man who lived having given up all the earthly hopes people normally cherish from the time of his youth. We must know that Jesus lived from early on with a hope for which he could forsake his family, his environment, his religious denomination, and even his nation. He had a firm belief and hope in Heaven that no one could change. The hope that he cherished in his young mind was an immutable, thorough-going one with which he could withstand whatever difficulties he might encounter. Therefore, we must remember once again that Jesus ran the path he had to take with unflagging perseverance.

Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem with his parents when he was twelve. His parents came back first, and Jesus remained there. When his parents came looking for him later, Jesus scolded them, saying, “How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49) We must know that Jesus cherished hope only for the Father.

Jesus ceaselessly toiled to put the surrounding environment in order as he matured. He had faith for the sake of Heaven; the kind of faith no one else had. Although there were many difficulties on the path he walked, because he had faith that he would build a new kingdom, a new world of hope, those difficulties could not take away his hope.

Jesus did the work of a carpenter in his private life. In spite of working in an environment that was not free, one in which he felt extreme difficulty, he did not retreat but overcame the situation. We know that he fought on, bearing a mind with ardent hope that cared for Heaven.

When Jesus stepped onto the path of adventure as he reached thirty, nurturing a will and new determination and resolution, the people around him did not support him. His family, the church, and society persecuted him in their respective ways. No one paid attention to him. Jesus overcame those difficulties even when he could not help being disappointed. He was able to do this through his unique faith, that is, the one hope he had. We must know that Jesus put the environment in order, overcoming all difficulties, by embracing such a hope and faith.

Even though he raised twelve disciples, Jesus was pursued here and there. However, the more he was pursued and the more people were unable to understand his heart, the more ardently he thought about the Father’s nation and the Father’s heart. Although many battles and difficulties knocked against him, they could not crush Jesus’ perennial hope.

Jesus fought with that hope, from the time of his birth to the end. He never gave up that hope, even though the religious denomination, the people, and even his disciples betrayed him. Furthermore, we must know that he did not recede. He held onto his hope in spite of his imminent crucifixion.

It is beyond dispute that one’s life is precious. However, because Jesus had hope for eternal life after death, his mind was greater, and he was able to go over even the path of the crucifixion with dignity. We know very well that Jesus bore witness to the hope in its entirety, through dying in the presence of heaven and earth. The more Jesus was swept by the horror of death, the more deeply he felt that the day of hope was approaching. He prayed on the last path of the crucifixion, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.”

Feeling that a new world of hope would be spread out before him after he surpassed physical death, Jesus longed for that world. We know that because Jesus wished for and cherished the thought of resurrection as a being of eternal freedom, he was able to have the glory of being resurrected after death.

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

The Hope Which Can Win Over Death

A person entertains all kinds of hope in his life. However, he runs into death in the end and passes away, having abandoned all the hopes he had fostered. Although he wanders about seeking a new hope, wishing to live today and tomorrow, when he runs into death, he goes the last path in despair. We know this very well.

A person does not have a hope with which he can go over the hill of death, even though he seems to have hope centering on himself. He fades away without such a hope. There are questions then to be considered. Are we to take this for the norm of life? Are we to seek out a hope with which we can go beyond death, scoffing at it and even delighting in it? These are the important questions people living on this earth today must consider.

Everything in the world today will pass away. The families, the nations, the world and any kind of “ism” will pass away and be gone. There is one thing that will remain, in the end: the hope with which we can fight and win over death. Without such a hope, we might as well call ourselves failures in life. There is a set of people who live embracing hope not of the human world, but a new hope of Heaven, an eternal hope, rejecting all worldly hope. Heaven made limitless efforts to enable humanity on earth, who is living centered upon human hope, to go over the hill of death with a new hope and to live with regard to the eternal world. Therefore, people who lead a religious life should not live embracing earthly hope, but should live entertaining a hope with which they can even go beyond death, dreaming of the world of eternal hope. For this, we are leading a life of religion.

The Path of Life We Must Go, Entertaining Hope
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
March 22, 1959

Does God Want Us to Serve Him?

Does God Want Us to Serve Him?

I do not think so.

As the Providence, the History has developed, God could show his heart, love, care, worry, grief, sorrow, pain, anger and longing, desire, hope to humanity.

The fallen men so often misunderstood Him, fearing and serving His angels.

The Absolute Being can not relate directly to the relative, ceaselessly changing, immature people. His messengers dominated, and the wrath of God ideas started, God-fearing parents taught their children. How painful it was for Heavenly Parent!

Because that He is.

His long awaited, most beloved son, Jesus Christ has known it, since his early childhood. God was his real father, and took care of him in the midst of outcast, misunderstanding, tribulations. He watched all his steps, embraced his heart, and guided and taught him everything, day by day, step by step. By the time arrived, Jesus was prepared to fulfill the greatest task ever. He did not only want to make Heavenly Father happy. Jesus truly understood the core of the Eternal Heart. Our God is a parent. An Absolute Parent can not leave a devoted child behind.

Although, all the humanity for thousands of years were ignorant, still it is today, He never gave it up. Despite all the suffering, He was looking for the champions of love among our ancestors, among us.

Parents never want their children to be servants, they want to give everything, the best education, medical care, quality time, teaching everything they know and discover the whole Nature, having fun together. A servant is limited to these.

Jesus proclaimed His love, His heart, like noone else before. He did not serve God, he lived with Him in a mind and body unity. Starting to spread the news, people were and still hesitate to get rid of their old concepts. The whole Universe shows the examples of God, like a textbook, His teachings and guidance are all around us. Yet, we want to “follow”, “believe”, “serve”.

How could any parent ever wish children to “follow”, “believe”, “serve” him or her?

Any parent who has a deep, real, eternal connection to God, who was named Father.

God is not someone, sitting in a throne far away. He is our parent, whom our ancestors left, and with whom we find struggling to relate in an unchanging, eternal way due to our old concepts and convenient habits.

Do not “serve” God.

Do not “believe” God.

Do not “follow” God.

Love God, live with Him. Listen to Him. He knows all the sciences, He is the greatest composer, performer, storyteller, knows the best jokes, delights us in the valley of shades. He wants to be always with us. He is our parent. Eternal, unchanging, loving, caring.

Love Him!


On Repentance

In general people go to their church and pray, “Please forgive me for I repent for such a such a sin I committed.” However, you rather pray like this, “I dishonored the principle of Heavenly ethic, trampled the sacred relationship between God and human being and violated the relationship between Human and all things of creation. I committed this grave sin that violated all relations of hearts. Please have your way for such a wretched man.” By repenting this way, you may be accepted by Him, and subsequently becoming victorious to be recognized by Heavenly Father, everything will be resolved completely. Heaven definitely visits a person who repents in such way.

Then, what should you do in order to truly repent? First step is for you to set up right direction in your life and put utmost effort to achieve your goals, by repenting daily in your life of faith. God will always listen to the requests from such a person. In fact, since both you and God know what you must do now, ninety percent of your prayer should not asking God about things that you want to do. Rather, 90% of your prayer must be repentance. This is the same as the teaching of Jesus, “Repent, the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Repentance has such important value if it is done correctly.

Let Us Become People Who Can Live with God’s Love
Reverend Sun Myung Moon
May 8, 1960


what have I done
if I have done
what have I missed
if I have missed

I wasn’t here
where I should have been
I haven’t seen
what should I have seen

suffering comes

they are just innocent
to be harmed this way
what have I done
what I should have seen?

just missed the life
their life
who we miss now and tomorrow

accusing myself
can’t see the pain
doubts in everything
and prayers to God
to forgive what I have
and haven’t done

have no words
even my existence is so heavy
how could I endure it
when others suffer

I feel I can’t bear the pain that others suffer
I wish time to turn back
I wish to change the Rules
I wish myself to suffer and ache instead of them
I wish I was True Father to bear this
I wish I was a True Man to bear it
I wish to resemble Him
who suffers the most because of me
because of me
because of me

and still
He lifts me up
and forgets
and Loves

turning my powerlessness into capable capacity
to love them again
the world
and the humanity


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